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Sunday, January 10, 2016


Instructions on how to be me

1. Do the minimal amount of work for the most amount of credit possible.

2. Still be nervous to order food at all drive up windows.

3. Sleep... all of the time.

4. finc det dis sendance es feny

5. Think that Your MOM jokes are still funny.

6.  Prefer warm socks over dumb jocks.

7. Believe that pooing off a tall building makes you the rightful owner of it.

8. Want a baby pig more than anything anyone's ever wanted

9. Believe that Aliens control the government (it actually really is true though.)

10. Leave everything until the last minute.

11. Hit the winning touchdown shot for the national winning team championship every time.

12. Be deathly afraid of girls.

13. Consider yourself TOP DAWG at everything you do.

14. Never go to school because school is for fools.

15. Want to kiss your dog on it's mouth

16. Have a fetish for women's calf's

17. If ash from fantastic Mr. Fox is your biggest inspiration

But who would ever want to have all these qualities?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. DAYZEN this post actually made me laugh out loud the whole time HAHAHAHA I love you dude
