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Saturday, December 26, 2015

White Elaphantee

So for my white elephant I got Bethany Y Lee! I'm actually super stoked about this because I think her writing is really funny and very unique which is everything creative writing should be. My favorite post of Hers was her robot poem sort of explaining how in a lot of ways we are all just Robots. The poem ends with this "Thank you, thank you. So I guess I'm a robot. Or maybe I'm a unicorn. Still figuring that out." So in spirit of that I crafted this

Because after all why can't we be both. 

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Sunday, December 13, 2015


One of my favorite bands CAGE THE ELEPHANT is coming out with a new album on December 18 and I'm excited a whole ton of a whole bunch of a lot. They've released 3 singles which I wanted to share to maybe share some excitement and maybe get some others pumped also because this was due like a month ago:))))))