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Sunday, January 10, 2016

film fest with daysen

 my film fest enjoy:}

I remember Christmas

Remember when Christmas wasn't sad and as long as you weren't bad you'd get presents and things or whatever Santa brings with his holly jolly attitude and very long latitude made you feel happy. Now were older and we know it's all about your dough your parents have storin  and the Stocking of your feets would be filled with toys and treats Santa equals Satan celebrated by a nation who needs a realization that Christmas is evil for all sorts of people whom is to involved with materialistic things buying new engagement rings. For me at least this Christmas thing is about spreading the message it's about giving not reviving but for those of unbelieving here's a lump of coal for you


Max O'Grady venting sesh

The fear of everyone else

their worst nightmare

When i have meet my destiny

not relying on technology but the will to survive

Suddenly I feel the ELECTRICITYyyyyyyyyy

I do not belong in the light where my skin shines so bright

I belong in the shadows

where I can not sleep

my eyes feel closed and weak

I am me


Instructions on how to be me

1. Do the minimal amount of work for the most amount of credit possible.

2. Still be nervous to order food at all drive up windows.

3. Sleep... all of the time.

4. finc det dis sendance es feny

5. Think that Your MOM jokes are still funny.

6.  Prefer warm socks over dumb jocks.

7. Believe that pooing off a tall building makes you the rightful owner of it.

8. Want a baby pig more than anything anyone's ever wanted

9. Believe that Aliens control the government (it actually really is true though.)

10. Leave everything until the last minute.

11. Hit the winning touchdown shot for the national winning team championship every time.

12. Be deathly afraid of girls.

13. Consider yourself TOP DAWG at everything you do.

14. Never go to school because school is for fools.

15. Want to kiss your dog on it's mouth

16. Have a fetish for women's calf's

17. If ash from fantastic Mr. Fox is your biggest inspiration

But who would ever want to have all these qualities?


Saturday, December 26, 2015

White Elaphantee

So for my white elephant I got Bethany Y Lee! I'm actually super stoked about this because I think her writing is really funny and very unique which is everything creative writing should be. My favorite post of Hers was her robot poem sort of explaining how in a lot of ways we are all just Robots. The poem ends with this "Thank you, thank you. So I guess I'm a robot. Or maybe I'm a unicorn. Still figuring that out." So in spirit of that I crafted this

Because after all why can't we be both. 

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Sunday, December 13, 2015


One of my favorite bands CAGE THE ELEPHANT is coming out with a new album on December 18 and I'm excited a whole ton of a whole bunch of a lot. They've released 3 singles which I wanted to share to maybe share some excitement and maybe get some others pumped also because this was due like a month ago:))))))

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Real Reveal

Gunna tell you my pen name name!


Haven't told you it's shame shame!


Because I did it all for fame fame!


It's a party party!

Gunna feel great in your hearty hearty's!


Some may know because you're smarty smarty's


Gunna feel so yummy yummy!


Yummy in your tummy tummy!


You might think it's funny funny!


I'm sunnyD Daysunny

